Saturday, June 06, 2009

The First Days

It is now Saturday evening. We have been in Tangiers for three days and the time has vanished like a djinn in the drain. Our studies have gone well. We are constantly intrigued by the intricacies of Islam and its many layers. What has been particularly fascinating is the syncrestic manner in which so many pieces and parallels with Judaism and Christianity are evident.

What this mainly demonstrates is the ignorance with which we came. I am excited and convinced that our time here will prove valuable when we return home.

Tangiers is a bustling city of 2 million, and the people we have met in the markets, restaurants, and streets have been genuinely friendly and welcoming. Our nightly routine after a long day of study has been a small cafe two blocks away. We have gone with panini, pizza, schwarma, and safrine, along with a carbonated drink labelled "Hawaiian", which is some concoction of coconut, orange, and ???? fruit. Lunch today was the new Gambas (shrimp) burger at McD's. I doubt if it will get a try out in the states. Once was enough for me.

Yesterday we participated in a debriefing of a team from SEBTS that had been in the region for two weeks. It was good to hear their experiences, surprises, and takeaways.

Our instructors have been most informative and interesting, with backgrounds that are very different, but quite fascinating. Hearing their stories is encouraging to us.

We have ventured into the maze of the medina three times in the evening. Joe made me promise not to take him down any dark alleys, but last night I gave into the temptation and led us on a circuitous route off the beaten path. We made it safely out, even through the darker and narrower passageways.

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